Sunday, 20 November 2011

MTConnect Legacy Connectivity Needs Survey

I was thinking that many people may not know what MTConnect is, but they do know the needs they have on their shop floor in terms of real-time information.

Our theme of Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a term at least 25 years old, but the realization of that goal was often expensive and complex with the host of proprietary protocols and closed hardware and software architectures of the past. Although progress has been made in this area, the 3 million plus legacy machines still are not open - yet our need for their information is getting more necessary every year. That is where MTConnect comes in, if it can be applied to the virtual united nations of machines out there that all talk different languages (if they talk at all).

As such, I have made a short survey to start a real conversation about what CIM (and MTConnect specifically) may be able to help you with. I encourage you to spend a bit of time filling this survey out and thus share your thoughts on the matter. Thanks...

MTConnect Legacy Connectivity Needs Survey - Click Here

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